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  • Rosemary Ralph

Helias the setter, abandoned in his old age 25 May 2021

Dear Friends of KEPZ,

I thought you might like to hear a story about one of the dogs that has recently joined the others at the KEPZ rescue. His name is Helias, named after an older Greek Film Star because he too is elderly. Believed to be about 15 years old. He was dumped outside a vets in Corfu. As you can probably see from his nose, he has a disease called Leishmania which is endemic in the Mediterranean caused by a bite from a sand fly. It is not curable but can be treated if caught in time. The Vet felt that Helias had a chance of a comfortable old age and so he has gone to live at KEPZ and is sharing a run with another dog named Kaiti. If you feel you could adopt Helias in his old age and give him a comfortable life for the last years of his life, please contact me or KEPZ.

It is very common for setters to be abandoned in Corfu. Last year in the first few months of the year about 8 had been taken to another rescue in Corfu. Basically they are tools used by hunters, and rather than feed them they simply throw them away at the end of the season- or so it seems! In this case it's very unusual for a setter to be abandoned in its old age, which makes the case of poor Helias even more sad. Some very kind and lovely people donated towards his medical care, and the medicine he needs has been bought by the vet but he is still too underweight for it to be given to him yet. He seems happy and content which is comforting despite the way this poor boy has been treated. It's only due to the love of the volunteers at KEPZ and the generosity of people from all walks of life and nationalities, that another life has been saved. As most people know we have set up a Gofundme appeal to rebuild the KEPZ shelter, part of which is in a state of collapse. If you would like to donate to help rebuild the shelter and make life better for Helias and the other dogs please buy a brick or two at £10 each. Every penny helps. Thank you everyone for caring. Rosie

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